
When Things Are Not Okay
Eileen Kim Eileen Kim

When Things Are Not Okay

Though things may not okay, circumstances are but temporary, while the joy of the Lord is not. Calling upon Your name today, as I try to remember who I am in You, even when all else in life fails me. Because things are not okay, when you are missing. I invite You, Jesus, into the broken & empty areas of life, where I've left abandoned & forgotten. Would you renew me, Lord. Because I trust that the parts of me that have once been broken, are that much more beautiful when made whole again. 

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The Truth of I Am.
Eileen Kim Eileen Kim

The Truth of I Am.

Excruciatingly long seasons,
Seemingly unproductive steps towards success,
Hidden fears & disappointment towards God,
Apathy at its finest...

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