A Love Letter to Self
An anchor deep down in the waters of the soul,
You have kept your groundedness with no wavering compromise
Rebuilding and restoring with ease
Even when times get tough
Unwilling to let the seasons of life dictate the lens through which you view life
Worshipping Him with childlike intimacy
Desiring the Lord in a way that is worth reading about over & over again
Because it is this that is the most vulnerable, underlying, beautiful part of you
The side of you that not many will get to know
But a few, running alongside you to a finish line
Uncovering layer after layer with every step that you take
Bringing to life the many different parts of you - like a Joseph with a Technicolor Dreamcoat
You are, someone different than who you even know yourself to be
One of much more capacity for love
Love that’ll shake the nations
Love that looks like the flames in the gentle eyes of Jesus
And one day, you will go from glory to glory
With a quiet oneness with Him that bleeds into the presence of the room with no effort
In a way that the right person will grow to love about you
Day by day, my yoke becomes lighter
As I learn to fix my eyes on the unseen
No longer wanting to be defined by the things I create,
But wanting to honor Him who created me
Joyfully, carefully, wonderfully
With a purpose in mind..
One that I will strive for the rest of my days to fulfill
I am,
Grown in spirit
But a child at heart
Constantly learning to align myself with the righteous, bold little girl that He's spoken over for many years
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