A Golden Reward

As confusing as changes of seasons can be, life is a beautiful thing,
In the midst of transition, there is inevitable doubt,
Yet God is a good God who, at times, surprises us with unexpectedly fast answers
And at others, with silence for the purpose of training us in solitude
Which is, in it of itself, a golden reward
That helps us to become the truest version of ourselves under the utter surrender of His presence
And it is utterly and equally astounding
To see just how different the truest version of myself can actually look
In this new stage of life that Jesus is offering me

I couldn’t have dreamed of a better God
One that at a certain stage in my life, I naively thought I could do life without
But the joy of loving Him overtakes my soul
In a way that nothing else in life really matters anymore
And it is with this heart posture
That I tell my Dad that I am ready to keep running
Rather than slowing down
In this race of faith
That really has no end

And that is the part that excites me the most
Is to look at eternity as a gift
To get to know Him, to get to know myself, and to praise Him in all circumstances regardless of what they are
And to slowly become His mirror image
One freaking beautiful day at a time.

Today, I am in awe at how he draws my life with every step in mind
And I will never trade anything in the world
For the growth that I’ve received
The growth that I, in my younger years, had came to Him in earnest prayer asking permission for
And now I know,
That it was His way of honoring me, His little girl,
Until the day came that I dig deep to find that my deepest desire was for Him all along
So that I can honor Him with all I have
Life experiences and all.

I’ve never seen anything like this,
A life that is inexplicably better and sweeter
With Him in the picture

Thank You, Jesus.




A Love Letter to Self