A Deep Longing - a poem.

Life - a windy road filled with new experiences & scenery at every turn.
Deeply hidden strongholds, deeply buried treasures.
Beauties only I can see, blurred to others by their own unique perspectives,
Ugly atrocities that I grimace and glance away from, as it is often too much to bear. Too heavy of a burden to handle.
But what the soul truly longs for…
A hand that eases the uneasiness through the long journey ahead.
An ear that gracefully interprets a lacing of scattered words and allows it to settle in the heart.
Lips that effortlessly mirror the movement of the Spirit - a consistent vessel and messenger for the things of life that get overlooked.
Crucial in its existence.
One of its kind, yet yoked to another.
A golden miracle of an answer to a mystery that has only been revealed to the one who seeks true treasure.
And one day at a time, my soul presses in. One step deeper.
Yearning to be seen and understood as I take the courage to dive into the unknown.
Praised for the display of boldness. Rooted in trust.
Not easily swayed, but flexible to the seasons - a pioneer to self, as I am the only one who understands the storms of my own heart.
And in the same way, there is only one who will champion the many colors of my soul I offer.
And one day…
There will be.


A Beautiful Sacrifice


Picking Up the Broken Pieces