Vanilla Candy - a poem

The tendency of our hearts is to know only one way
To desire the things we do through the lens of our own lives
Of many layers, like a beautiful multi-flavored cake
Then a good Dad extends both hands, fists closed tightly
And with a gentle whisper, asks us “Which one do you want?”
With a smile on his face, as he knows that whichever option we choose, he will honor
Because he is a good Dad, one who only has good things in mind
So I choose one that my heart leans towards
Knowing that if I have the same choice in a few years, my decision will probably be different
I am human, after all.
He opens up his fist to offer me a Vanilla flavored candy
Then he quietly tucks the other fist away, without disclosing what was in it
My eyes wandering along with curiosity
And in that moment, his eyes tell me “Just trust me”
Because whatever I chose, he was going to take and make something beautiful with it
And even though
I don’t know how many years it will take until he shows me what was in his other fist
I pour my heart and soul into my Vanilla flavored candy
In partnership with him who offered it to me
Trusting that when the time comes,
He will gladly come to me with another two fists full of other flavors
And we will laugh together at this special game that only we know how to play
As it uncovers layer after layer, like a beautiful multi-colored cake
Of how my life can look when I trust in him wholeheartedly

And in the end,
my heart leans towards not the options given,
but towards him who gave the options in the first place.


Every Nook & Cranny

