This Cup of Mine
Here, I offer you a cup.
A broken one with little chips on the sides,
but still holding together somehow
It is a cup that has been through many seasons
one that I could have thrown away a long time ago,
but couldn’t help but hold onto for all these years
The thing is,
this cup of mine..
wants so badly to be poured into
and no matter how many times you’ve poured into it,
many times I pour it right back out
Hoping that I can share this water,
that those in need won’t thirst anymore
because see,
their cup is broken too
and needs pouring into
just as much as mine
It is good news
that you never actually get tired of pouring
that your water is a kind that never runs out
and that no matter how broken our cup is,
that you still fill it to the brim
as if it was never broken in the first place
I want to show you my cup
it is a beautiful one that quenches my thirst
one that makes all the other cups out there look undesirable
because see, this cup is special -
in all of its imperfections and little chips on the sides
I won’t trade it for anything
So would you continue to pour into my cup
and I will posture my heart to receive endlessly
so that I never have to run dry again
in a world that continues to demand for me to pour into it
and I will thank you continuously
as I overflow like a fountain
so much so
that you can’t even see the imperfections of the cup
because of how much water is flowing out of it